NASA's James Webb telescope completes its final unfolding in space

The mirror of the James Webb Space Telescope is being lifted by a crane. The telescope deployed in space on Saturday.

Laura Betz.

The final step in the deployment of the James Webb telescope was completed on Saturday morning when the last mirror wing of the telescope unfolded into its final configuration.

The most powerful telescope ever launched into space was launched on December 25. NASA provided a virtual simulation of the process through a live stream.

At 10:38 a.m. The telescope reached the end of deployment and those at the operations control started applauding.

The next-generation telescope has taken its final form, two weeks after launch, and the mirrors have completed deployment.
Next up for him? We have five months to calibrate and align before we get the images.
January 8, 2022.

The telescope had to be unfolded in space since it was launched, which had never been done before. The mirrors are so large that they were folded into the telescope. The sun shield and one of the mirrors were successfully deployed.

The full deployment of the telescope has been a two week process. It takes several hours for the wing to be latched on.

After five months of alignment and calibration, the telescope will pick up images.