How to Open Spotify Links in Apple Music and Vice Versa

It's not uncommon for someone to give you a link to a service like Spotify if they want you to listen to something. If you're an Apple Music subscriber, that link isn't going to work for you. If you get an Apple Music link, you'll have to search in the rival service for the content.

Fortunately, there's a new app for the iPad and iPhone that makes it possible to open links from Spotify in Apple Music. It works in the opposite direction for anyone who uses Apple's service and often gets links from someone who uses the other service.

MusicMatch is a free download on the App Store. If the above scenario is something that makes you cringe, then you can download the app and convert the links into something useful. Here's how it works.

You can get a link to a song, album, or artist.
You can copy the link from the clipboard to your phone by long pressing it.

Music match.
You can open Apple Music.

MusicMatch also offers an extension for the browser that will automatically link to Apple Music from other websites, but this option isn't currently available for users of Spotify.

MusicMatch is a simple solution to a common problem experienced by many Apple Music and Spotify users. The developers are working on support for other services, but currently it only supports Apple Music and Spotify.