This unbelievable bug is keeping Android phones from calling 911

Dan Thorp-Lancaster is the author of Windows Central.

The bug impacting a limited number of uses was found to be the culprit.
When the app is installed, Microsoft Teams prevents the app from making emergency calls.
If you have Microsoft Teams installed but aren't signed in, uninstall and re- install the app to make sure your emergency calls go through.
Both Microsoft and Google are working on a permanent fix for the issue.

Reports began to arrive a little over a week ago that users were unable to call for help. That is alarming for obvious reasons, and the issue thread by U/KitchenPicture5849 quickly gained attention from users, and the team at the Pixel team investigated the issue and tried to pin down the source.

I'm still confused about the cause, even though the cause has been confirmed by the internet search engine. If you don't have a Microsoft Teams account, you might be unable to dial the emergency number. The official comment from the company is:

Thankfully, this should affect a very limited number of people, and non-logged-in Microsoft Teams users can uninstall and reinstall the Microsoft Teams app to fix the issue. A Microsoft Teams app update is currently being worked on by Microsoft and Google. We've only heard of issues on Pixels so far, but this bug is due to a bad interaction between the Microsoft Teams app and the core Android OS, so a fix will be coming in the January security patch to patch this on the OS side and prevent other apps from potentially causing

The most basic and essential functions of a phone are at risk if there is a flaw in the phone. The source and fix were found quickly.

Can we all agree that this is weird?