How to use the Personal Safety app to stay safe and alert emergency contacts

Andrew Myrick is from the central region.

The latest generation of phones, like the Pixel 6, have excelled in regards to personal safety. The Personal Safety app for the Pixel phones can do a lot to keep you safe. Even if you can't call for help on your own, the Safety app can be useful in getting you help when you need it.

The Personal Safety app needs to be set up.

It's easy to set up the app. Emergency responders can use some of the personal information you fill in. Let's get into it!

You can open the Safety app. The app is called Personal Safety, but the icon is labeled "Safety," so it will be sorted under "S." Getting off to a good start?
If you haven't already done so, you'll be asked to do so with your account. As your account, tap Continue.
You will be asked to pick emergency contacts. These people will be contacted in the event of an emergency. Add contact and then pick someone you want. Then tap Next.

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If you want to add blood type, allergies, or any other medical information, fill out the form.

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This is the final part of the app setup. There are some other steps you need to complete before you can turn on the feature. We recommend turning them all on. Setting up crisis alert in your area, being able to summon emergency help by pressing the power button five times, and granting maps access to your location all the time are some of the other things. Each of these has short wizards that can be used as needed.

How to make a safety check.

The safety check is the last one. This is an automated process that requires you to check in with your phone. If you don't check in when the timer ends, your phone will call the police, fire department, coast guard, army, marine corps, and even Edna from accounting if you want. It requires a bit of setup, so here's how to do that. You need to set up Emergency Sharing first.

You can get help fast by tapping Get Started.
You can start the setup by tapping it.
You can decide if you want to play an alarm. It will help you prevent accidental triggering. You may want to keep the alarm quiet for more surreptitious emergencies. You may not want to let people know that you are being called. Pick it and tap Next.

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You need to confirm your local emergency services number. Start.

If the number is correct, tap Next. You can change the number if you want, but only if you have the correct emergency services number.
The next step is assisted calling. If you can't talk to emergency services, you'll be able to talk to the assistant. You can either turn it on or off.

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If things go south, you can share your info with your contacts. We assume you want to start setup, so you can skip this step.

When you first set up the app, you will be able to choose the emergency contact that will be autofill. You can remove them by tapping the X or adding a contact. tap Next when you're done
If you want your phone to record video for up to 45 minutes during an emergency, the next step is controlling. The video would be uploaded to the Personal Safety app. You might want to help the responders find out what happened. Recording video can be taxing on phone storage space and battery life. You can either turn on or turn off.

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Permissions for Personal Safety are needed to take photos and record video if you select Turn on. Permission can be granted while using the app.

You will need to grant the app access to record audio. While using the app.
You will be given a summary of your picks. You have to tap Done.

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Safety Check can be used when you need someone to check in if you're alone for a long time or if you're in a bad situation. If you don't do it, your phone will tell your emergency contacts that something is wrong.

The Safety Check is at the bottom of the app.
You can choose the reason for the safety check and duration. At the end of the duration, your phone will prompt you to make sure you're okay. This is a one-time reminder, not a recurring reminder, so you can choose how long you think your activity will take. Next, tap.
If the fit hits the shan, select the contact you want to notify. Turn.

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The phone will start the timer if you have that set. You can stop the timer by tapping it. The phone will keep counting down even when the phone is not on. When the time is over, you'll be asked to let the phone know if you're okay, give your information to your emergency contact, or call the police. The phone will send out an alert if you don't choose one of the options.

Adam Doud is a source.

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