Someone Hacked and Defaced Donald Trump's Website

On Monday, someone hacked into the website of ex-President Donald Trump and temporarily altered it. They also bizarrely embedded a YouTube video by Turkish President Recept Tayyip Erdogan onto one page.

According to CNN, the defacement appeared on the site's subdomain dedicated to Action. It included the following message. Do not be like those that forgot Allah, so Allah made them forget about themselves. CNN also reports that Erdogan is seen in a video discussing passages of the Quran. It's quite bizarre.

RootAyyildiz, a self-described hacktivist, appears to have carried out the hack. He explained that they infiltrated the site using a Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) which allows remote code execution.

Hacking can be done in many ways. For example, hacking websites or social media accounts. The hacker said that he was a hacktivist who has been working on websites for some time.

Root was created by Trump in May after he resigned from office. The former President was recently banned from almost all major social media platforms (Twitter and Facebook) at the time. Trump decided to start his own platform, where he could post whatever he wanted. After the site was launched, but failed to attract the attention he hoped for, Trump quietly retired from active editorial operations. The site now functions as a campaign shell for someone who is not actively involved in politics.

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Strangely, the hacker responsible for Trump's hack appears to also have been responsible for hacking Joe Biden's campaign website in November. Hackers using the RootAyyildiz name defaced the website of the former political candidates. They etched a series of statements that appeared to refer to American influence in Turkey's political affairs. The National Intelligence Council's March report refers to the hacktivism incident that occurred earlier. It was a hacktivist attack aimed at promoting Turkish nationalist themes.