Samsung hopes to 'copy and paste' the brain to 3D chip networks

Samsung believes it can develop brain-like chips by borrowing existing brain structures. Samsung proposes a method to "copy and paste" the neuron wiring map of a brain into 3D neuromorphic chip. This would be done using a nanoelectrode array, which enters large numbers of neurons to record the connections and strength. This data could be copied and "paste" to a 3D network solid-state memory.
Each memory unit would be equipped with a conductance that represents the strength of each neuron-connection in the map. Samsung stated that the result would be a return to "reverse engineering" the brain, as scientists had originally intended.

This could be a shortcut to artificial intelligence systems that act like real brains. It includes the ability to adapt to changing environments and learn new concepts. According to researchers, you might see fully autonomous machines that can actually think.

Complexity is a major problem. A human brain contains approximately 100 billion neurons, with 1,000 times more synaptic connections. An ideal neuromorphic chip would require about 100 trillion memory units. This is a huge challenge for any company. And that's not even including the code required to make this virtual brain function. Although Samsung may have made it possible to create AI that is human-like, it will likely take many years before anyone can achieve that goal.