There's a robot sinking basketballs at the Tokyo Olympics. It's wild.

Here's a glimpse of the robot-ruled dystopian future that will darken your Sunday.As anyone with the ability to change the TV channel from NBC to Tokyo Olympics knows, the Games are currently in full swing. While the biennial contest between world-class athletes from different nations is a celebration and celebration of human excellence it is also a time when at least one robot will be allowed to have some fun.This clip is fresh from the Tokyo Olympics Twitter account. Mashable's EiC asked "WHY IS IT SO STINY HEAD SO BIG?".Nothing but net! (The robot moved backwards immediately after that and immediately shot a three-pointer with ease.The robot is wearing a jersey that has the number 95 on. I don't have enough knowledge about basketball to give you a solid answer. However, I am a robot expert and this seven-foot-tall future Robolympics (not a thing) star has the goods.This robot can throw a basketball, but that's just a joke. It appears to be CUE (a Toyota-developed creation) which was built in 2018. CUE3, the third version of this robot, set a Guinness World Record in 2019. Although it is not known if the model that attended the Tokyo Olympics 2021 is the same or a different one, it seems to be the same series of perfectly-shooting automatons. More information about the CUE project can be found here.This odd moment, which you can see above, was part of Sunday's halftime celebrations between Team USA (USA) and France. France won the match-up 89 to 79.