Sky Club access for elite frequent flyers travelling in long haul economy and premium economy cabins is about to be cut, according to Brian.

SkyMiles Gold elites and higher, who are not club members and don't have a credit card, receive lounge access when traveling on international Delta and SkyTeam member airlines. Travel to and from Canada and Mexico is included, but excludes the Caribbean.

Extreme crowding in the airline's lounges has led to long lines and turned away club members in some locations. Delta instituted priority lines to skip the queue for premium cabin passengers and top tier elites in order to give them more time to get to their destinations.

The moves Delta has made have limited effects. More of their passengers want to use the lounge due to their partnership with American Express and the fact that they offer a more substantive product than competitors. They don't have separate lounges for international business class passengers like American and United do.

Delta Sky Club Austin