A list of Fitbit Premium features on a smartphone: Mindfulness tools, Wellness Report, Audio & Video Workouts, and Guided Programs.

(Image credit: Joe Maring / Android Central)

If you sign up for a free trial to Fitbit Premium, you'll get a ton of features like Daily Readiness Score and pro workouts that make them more useful, as well as other perks. If you only want basic tracking to be exported to another fitness app or a subscription for a personal trainer, then you don't need Premium anymore.

We will show you how to cancel the premium.

How to cancel Fitbit Premium on the web

The Fitbit web home page. The account icon has been clicked, showing options to check your profile and account.

(Image credit: Android Central)

This is the first thing. Click on the person icon at the top right of the page to go to the website.

There are two Click the icon again to log in to your account.


There are three. Click My subscriptions if you want to subscribe.

Click here to cancel your plan at the end of it's term. The same steps will be followed if you are still within your free trial period.

All premium sales are final and non-refundable if your free trial has ended. If you missed the cut-off date to cancel before you're charged, you'd only be out the price for a month. If you signed up for the annual plan, you'll be out the whole amount.

How to cancel Fitbit Premium in the app

This is the first thing. You can open the Play Store app on your phone and tap on the menu icon.

There is 1 a. Go to settings and tap your name at the top.

The Google Play Store app

(Image credit: Source: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central)

There are two If you want to subscribe, tap on it.

There are three. You can locate your subscription from the list.

There are four. Cancel subscription by tapping on it.

Google Play Store sidebar menu

(Image credit: Source: Jeramy Johnson / Android Central)

The same steps will be followed if you are still within your free trial period.

You can still manage or cancel your subscription on the web even if you sign up for it on your phone.

Premium trials come with new models

It's nice to get a six-month period to see if you like a device before you have to make a decision.

The free trial is included in most of the best fitness tracker. Some only give you three months, while the Inspire 2 offers a full 12 months; but most, including the newPixel Watch and the Sense 2, have a six-month trial.

You can make an informed decision if you test Fitbit Premium against other subscriptions.

Our top equipment picks

Even though you may be overwhelmed by Fitbit Premium, you still want to use the app to keep track of your workouts. If that's the case, we recommend the Charge 5 as a great, stylish tracker to keep you working out, and to get another 6 free months of premium if you want them.

If you're looking for a device that gives you all the perks of an Android watch but also has a free 6-month Premium trial, the Pixel Watch is the one for you.

If you want a new fitness service to replace Premium, you can try the Map My RunMVP service for a cheaper alternative.