Microsoft 365 will encompass Teams, OneDrive, and the suite of productivity apps formerly known as Office.
Enlarge / Microsoft 365 will encompass Teams, OneDrive, and the suite of productivity apps formerly known as Office.

The Microsoft product the general public has the most experience with is Microsoft Office, which was released in 1990. The Office brand name will no longer be associated with any of the individual apps, but will instead be associated with "Microsoft365."

The online Office apps at will switch to the new system in November. The Office app built into Windows 10 and Windows 11 will be followed by the Office app for mobile devices. When the apps are updated, they will have a new logo that is a bit different from the Office logo.


According to Microsoft's FAQ page, Microsoft365 will encompass the existing Office apps and more. At least for a while, the Office brand will still exist according to the company. Microsoft will still sell Word, Excel, and the other Office apps as Office 2021, even though existing Office365 accounts aren't being renamed. At this point, we don't know if it will continue to be known as "Office" or if it will pick up Microsoft's branding.

Microsoft has a new name for its product, "Microsoft". The platform's built-in anti-hacker came to be known as Microsoft Defender in the middle of 2019. There is a branding cheat sheet for eight different Office, Azure, and Microsoft- branded products. If "Microsoft OS" or "Microsoft Box" comes down on Office, there's no telling what will happen to other brands.