There are two tissues at the back of the mouth on either side of the throat, called tonsils. When people talk about their tonsils, they usually refer to them as the Palatine tonsils.

There are also a pair of tubal tonsil that sit at the bottom of the ear canal and a pair of lingua tonsil that sit at the root. Waldeyer's tonsillar ring is made up of all the tonsils.

The gag reflex is related to this.

What is the purpose of tonsils?

The tonsils play an important role in protecting the body from harmful pathogens that can be eaten or breathed in. The tonsils act like a defense for your throat.

The immune system is alert when these pathogens are captured. The tonsils make their own immune cells and blood cells.

During puberty, the tonsils reach their biggest size. They are about the size of a lima bean and shrink a bit during adulthood.

There is a pink mucosa covering the healthy tonsils. There are pits that run through the entire organ. There are mostly dead cells or cellular debris in the crypts according to a 2001 review.

The most common cause of tonsillitis in healthy people is a virus, but sometimes a harmful pathogen as well. A sore throat and difficulty swallowing are caused by swollen and inflammation of the twinning. There is a chance that tonsillitis can also lead to a high temperature. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the condition is most common in two year olds.

Infographic drawing diagram of health tonsils, tonsils infected by bacteria, and tonsils infected by a virus. The infected tonsils are larger and redder.

(Image credit: Bulgakova Kristina/Getty Images)
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Strep throat is a problem that can affect children and adults.

The person's tonsils are usually very swollen, and they may also have white, stringy mucus in their throat. According to the National Institute of Health, if strep is not treated, it can cause a number of diseases. There is a chance that rheumatism may be a result of an undetected strep infections.

The inflammatory process can happen after a St. John's disease. Patients don't remember the first sore throat. Dr. Silvers told Live Science that rheumatism can cause permanent damage to the heart.

It's fairly easy to treat strep. Antibiotics, such as Augmentin, are usually prescribed by doctors to rid the body of thebacteria. Taking over-the-counter painkillers, gargling salt water, drinking plenty of fluids and taking throat lozenges are some of the home remedies that can be used to treat tonsillitis.

What are tonsil stones?

The throat area is often afflicted by tonsil stones. When debris gets caught in the groves of the tonsils, this occurs. The immune system creates a rock. The redness and irritation of the tonsils are common. It is possible to see the tonsil stones if they have formed near the surface.

There are a number of ways to remove tonsil stones. If they keep coming back, they may need to have a tonsillectomy.

A doctor examining a patient's throat by feeling either side of the neck just under the chin.

A tonsillectomy is no small surgery. It's best to discuss the pros and cons thoroughly with your doctor before deciding to remove your tonsils.  (Image credit: LaylaBird/Getty Images)
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When should tonsils be removed?

Doctors no longer recommend surgery to remove tonsillitis in rare cases or for patients who experience frequent episodes of the disease.

At least seven episodes in one year, at least five episodes a year for two years, or at least three episodes a year for three years are considered frequent tonsillitis.

If the tonsils are too big, they may need to be removed.

In rare cases, a tonsillectomy may be the best way to remove cancer tissue on or around the tonsils.

"However, this surgery carries risks of anesthesia, pain and bleeding, as well as other risks, so a decision of this type must be balanced by a risk/benefit discussion," said Dr.

Recovering from a tonsillectomy can take between 10 days and 2 weeks.

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The article is not meant to give medical advice.