If you want to send a large video file from one phone to another, you can use the method of transfer you see in the picture.

It is possible to save space on your phone and still have access to the footage if you have a good internet connection.

The process of moving a video from Drive to your phone is very simple. It's only a few taps away from being in your photo and video library if you locate the video in Drive.

There is a way to do it.

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How to download a video from Google Drive to your iPhone

This is the first thing. Go to the App Store on your phone.

There are two To locate the video to be downloaded, either by typing in its name or by tapping on the words "Search Drive", you need to scroll through the menu.

There are three. To download the video, tap on the three dots.

There are four. You can send a copy by scrolling down on the menu.

Choose "Send a copy" in the menu.
Steven John/Business Insider

There are five. If you tap "Save Video," the file will be saved and added to your library.

Tap Save Video.
Steven John/Business Insider

You can find the video in your media library by opening the Photos app.

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