Portrait orientation is what most of the documents are in.

Sometimes you need to print a horizontal sign or create a landscape oriented document.

You can change the page orientation with a few clicks in the doc.

There is a way to change the orientation of a whole document.

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How to change the page orientation in Google Docs on desktop

This is the first thing. You can use a web browser to open a document.

There are two Click "File" and then click on the page you want to setup.

How_to_change_the_page_orientation_in_Google_Docs 1
You can find the page setup controls in the File menu.
Dave Johnson/Business Insider

There are three. Portrait or Landscape are the orientations you want to use.

There are four. Click "OK" when you've finished.

How_to_change_the_page_orientation_in_Google_Docs 2
You can change the entire document to portrait or landscape orientation.
Dave Johnson/Business Insider

If you want to change the default orientation of documents, you need to click on the "Set as Default" option in the Page setup dialog box.

How to change the page orientation in Google Docs on mobile

The process for changing the page orientation in the app on your phone is not the same as it is on your computer.

This is the first thing. You can open a document in a mobile device.

There are two The dots are at the top of the screen.

There are three. "Page setup" can be found in the side menu.

How_to_change_the_page_orientation_in_Google_Docs 3
The page setup controls are found in the three-dot menu on the mobile app.
Dave Johnson/Business Insider

There are four. "Orientation"

There are five. To return to the document, tap the arrow at the top left and choose the orientation you want.

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