Amazon will give you a free month-long trial if you haven't signed up for Prime in the last year. If you decided to cancel your membership after taking advantage of the deal, it's easy to do.

If you sign up for a Prime free trial, you can cancel it immediately and still enjoy the benefits until the end.

You can cancel your free trial membership on your computer or mobile device.

How to cancel an Amazon Prime free trial on Amazon's website

You can cancel your free trial on the website. You have to go through three screens before Amazon can convince you to change your mind.

This is the first thing. Sign into your account at Amazon.

There are two To open the menu and click on Prime Membership, place your mouse over Accounts & List in the top right corner of the screen.

The menu that pops up when you hover over
Click on "Prime Membership" in the "Accounts & Lists" menu.
Stefan Ionescu

Clicking Membership & Subscriptions in the menu will lead you to Prime Membership settings on the next page.

There are three. You can see details about your Prime membership at the top of the page. There is a section on the far right that tells you how to manage membership.

The Prime membership settings on Amazon, with the “Manage Membership - Update, cancel and more” option highlighted.
Click "Manage Membership - Update, cancel and more.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are four. You can end membership in the menu that goes down.

The Prime membership settings on Amazon, with the “End membership” option highlighted.
Click "End membership" in the dropdown menu.
Stefan Ionescu

There are five. Click Cancel My Benefits to cancel it.

The first confirmation page when canceling Amazon Prime membership, with the “Cancel My Benefits” button highlighted.
Click on "Cancel My Benefits."
Stefan Ionescu

There are six. Click Continue to Cancel if you don't want to stay.

The second confirmation page when canceling Amazon Prime membership, with the “Continue to Cancel” button highlighted.
Click on “Continue to Cancel.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are seven. You will land on the last page. Click here if you would like to cancel your membership.

The third confirmation page when canceling Amazon Prime membership, with the “Cancel Membership” button highlighted.
Click on “Cancel Membership.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are eight. When the trial period ends, you will not be charged a penny. There are two boxes on the membership page that will let you know when your Prime membership is ending.

How to cancel an Amazon Prime free trial using the Amazon mobile app

Amazon will try to get you to change your mind if you cancel on the Amazon app.

This is the first thing. You can open the Amazon app on your phone.

There are two There is a profile icon in the menu.

The Amazon mobile app, with the profile icon highlighted.
Tap on the profile icon.
Stefan Ionescu

There are three. To open your account, tap it.

Amazon account info page, with the “Your Account” option highlighted.
Tap on “Your Account” to access your account settings.
Stefan Ionescu

There are four. Click Memberships and subscriptions if you want to join.

The account settings screen in the Amazon mobile app, with the “Manage Prime Membership” option highlighted.
Tap “Memberships & subscriptions.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are five. Prime membership settings can be accessed by tapping on them.

The “Memberships & subscriptions” screen in the Amazon mobile app, with the “Prime Membership Settings” button highlighted.
Tap “Prime Membership Settings.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are six. You can tap manage membership.

The “Manage Prime Membership” screen on Amazon, with the “Manage membership” option highlighted.
Tap “Manage membership.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are seven. There is a Manage Membership option in the menu.

The Prime membership settings in the Amazon app, with the “Manage Membership - Update, cancel and more” option highlighted.
Tap on “Manage Membership - Update, cancel and more.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are eight. Membership at the tap end.

The first confirmation screen to end Prime membership in the Amazon app, with the “End membership” option highlighted.
Tap “End membership.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are nine. You can Cancel My Benefits on the first page.

The second confirmation screen to end Prime membership in the Amazon app, with the “Cancel My Benefits” option highlighted.
Tap “Cancel My Benefits.”
Stefan Ionescu

There are ten. To get through the second confirmation page, continue to cancel.

There is a new date for the 11th. You can Cancel membership on the third and final confirmation pages.

Two warnings will be displayed on the Prime page, one stating that your membership will end and another stating when it will end.