This year, don't participate in Amazon Prime Day. There are a lot of reasons to bid farewell to Bezos.

If you want to save on subscription fees or change your spending to better align with your values, you can cancel your Prime membership quickly and easily.

There is a way to do it. That's good! Prime was becoming more expensive.

How to cancel your Amazon Prime membership in the Amazon app

Just a few seconds is all it takes to end your Prime subscription in the app. The steps you have to take are listed here.

  1. There are three lines in the bottom right corner. tap on "account"

Screenshot of Amazon app

Credit: Screenshot

  1. Go to "account settings" and then tap on "manage prime membership" You can see the plan you're Enrolling in and your renewal date on your personal Prime membership page. If you tap "End Membership", you'll be on your way.

Screenshot of Amazon app

Credit: Screenshot

How to cancel your Amazon Prime membership on desktop

It's easy to cancel your Prime subscription. This is how to do that.

  1. "Account & Lists" can be found in the upper right corner of the screen on the home page. Click on "prime membership"

Screenshot of Amazon homepage

Credit: Screenshot

  1. You can find your Prime plan and renewal date on this page. Click "Manage Membership" and then "End Membership" to complete the transaction.

There is only one thing left to it. You won't be aware of what's going on during Prime Day. That's something we love for you.