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Post written by

Gui Costin

Gui Costin is the founder and CEO of Dakota, an investment services company. He is the author of Millennials Are Not Aliens.

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You operate in an extremely competitive marketplace. Those who rise to the top have the ability to connect with the right customers at the right time. The key to doing this comes down to accessing accurate, vetted, and highly qualified information to ensure your message gets in front of the right decision-maker.

Fortunately for you, there's a way for you to "punch above your weight" - to succeed at a greater level than your competitors. How? Our firm has raised 22 billion over the last 13 years, establishing itself as a leader in the fundraising space.

We have become the authority in raising money-adopting the industry's best practices in sales processes and approaches. Our sales team is searching, vetting, qualifying people every single day. It's this information-access to Draft Data, a robust database used by our team at Dakota Funds Group-that can be transformational for your sales team.

We'll show you how on our biweekly "Dakota Live" call where current subscribers and prospects of Draft Data listen in on what our sales team learned that week, highlighting best practice sales techniques and strategies. Not only do listeners tap into the inner workings of this lead generation machine, but they also get a clear view of where the information they access comes from.

To punch above your weight, you need to save your energy for the real knock-out punches. In sales, you need to be calling on and spending time with prospects who buy what you sell. Doing anything else is wasting the time, energy, and talent of your sales force.

Help your sales team achieve above and beyond what they thought possible. Pick up a copy of my book, Millennials Are Not Aliens and let's get to work.

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Gui Costin is the authority on effectively selling to Millennials. A seasoned entrepreneur, sought-after speaker, and author of the book Millennials Are Not Aliens, Gui ...
