The Supreme Court ruled on Friday that federal abortion rights protections are no longer valid.

The conservative majority voted to uphold the Mississippi law at the heart of the case which seeks to ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, a contradiction to the standard set by Roe, which allowed abortions until about 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Six justices ruled in favor of Mississippi's 15-week ban, but it was the majority opinion of five judges that changed the course of the Supreme Court case.

The justices voted in the decision.

Chief Justice John Roberts

Roberts was in agreement with the majority in the case. The chief justice disagreed with the conservative majority's rebuke of Roe, opting for a more middle ground approach that would have allowed Mississippi to keep its statute without nixing federal abortion protections.

Roberts criticized the court's five other conservative justices for going too far in their decision.

The chief justice wrote that the court's decision to overrule the case was a serious blow to the legal system. The decision rejecting the misguided viability line would be less frightening.

Justice Samuel Alito

The conservative majority opinion was written by Alito who was appointed to the court by Bush.

Alito's passionate rebuke of abortion was included in a leaked draft opinion.

Alito stated in the opinion that the right to abortion is not protected by the constitution.

He said that Roe was wrong from the beginning. The decision has had damaging consequences. The abortion issue has not been brought about a national settlement of it's issues.

Justice Clarence Thomas

Thomas, the longest-serving judge on the court and a conservative stalwart, voted with his fellow conservatives to overturn the abortion law.

He wrote a concurring opinion that separated himself from the majority and allowed him to come to the same conclusion as his other justices. In his opinion, Thomas called for the court to reexamine past decisions that protect contraceptive access, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriages.

Alito had assured the public that the court's revocation of abortion rights wouldn't endanger other civil rights.

Justice Neil Gorsuch

Donald Trump's first Supreme Court appointment, Neil Gorsuch, joined his fellow conservatives to overturn the decision to allow abortion.

The nine supreme court justices
Seated from left: Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor, Standing from left: Brett Kavanaugh, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett.
Erin Schaff-Pool/Getty Images

Justice Brett Kavanaugh

After a tense Senate approval process that centered around decades-old allegations of sexual misconduct against the justice, he voted to overturn the decision to allow abortion in the United States.

The decision after Friday's opinion was criticized by both Collins and Manchin, who said they were misled by the justices during private conversations.

Collins said that the decision was inconsistent with what the justices said in their testimony and their meetings with her.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett

The conservative majority in Friday's decision was rounded out by Trump's final appointment.

During her confirmation hearing, ConeyBarrett suggested that there were legitimate legal disagreements about abortion.

Justice Stephen Breyer

In a strongly-worded dissent, Breyer, who is set to retire this summer, sided with the court's liberal justices in rejecting the majority opinion in the abortion case.

No choice is being made withdrawing a woman's right to decide. They wrote that a majority of the court wrenched the choice from women and gave it to the states.

Millions of women have been given control of their bodies by the two men. They said that closing our eyes to the suffering would not make it go away.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor

The Obama appointees also dissented.

The liberals warned that other civil rights could be at risk.

They wrote that no one should be confident that the majority is finished. There is more than one right Roe andCasey.

Justice Elena Kagan

The court's other liberals dissented, including the one who was confirmed to the court.