The question of how old sea turtles are is a recurring one in the movie. They can live to be 100 years old, according to a friend. After meeting Crush, the surfer dude-esque sea turtle, the dad learns that he is still young.

It is not easy to determine the ages of sea turtles according to the marine biologists at the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Modern technology can be used to find the age of a sea turtle, but only if the turtle is still alive.

There are many factors that can affect the age and lifespan of turtles. It's hard to tell if a death was natural or not.

Determining Age

You might think that gathering information on sea turtles is a walk in the park. The opposite is correct. Depending on the species, the juvenile females can spend anywhere from one to fifteen years out there, depending on the time of year. It is hard to watch sea turtles grow over time because they can migrate hundreds of miles before returning to coastal waters.

Sea turtle age is difficult to study in general. Skeletochronology is a process similar to the dating of a tree through its rings. Scientists take a cross-section of a dead sea turtle's humerus bone, remove the calcium, and add a stain to highlight the growth rings in the bone's tissue.

Under a microscope, researchers can see the relationship between ring spacing and the size of the turtle as it grows. Avens says that the sea turtle age is only the minimum age.

Determining Longevity 

It's not easy to determine the age of sea turtles, but they do live for decades and can be influenced by a number of factors.

The longer an animal lives, the more likely it is to die. Avens says that the Kemp's ridley and olive ridley sea turtles are the smallest of the seven different sea turtles and mature at around 10 years old. The larger turtles, such as the loggerhead and green turtles, can live up to 80 years. The minimum age deduced from counting growth rings is used to calculate longevity estimates.

Sea turtles have slower heart rate and metabolism. Their hearts can slow to around one beat per minute if they are further submerged. Slow metabolism is one of the things they boast. Depending on their size, mammals age differently because of their metabolism and how quickly their cells regenerated. Avens says that sea turtles cellular functions don't seem to get worse at the same rate as mammals.

Sea turtles have been around for a long time. The remains of sea turtles from 120 million years ago are very similar to those of today's sea turtles, according to Cook. She says that they have a good structure that can last for a long time.

Protecting Longevity 

Sea turtles have the potential to live a long life, but there is still plenty of human interaction that is cutting their lives short. Cook and Avens say that bycatch and loss of habitat are the main causes of sea turtles' decline.

Avens thinks the increase in global temperatures is the biggest one that people are thinking about. The sex of the sea turtle's offspring is determined by the temperature at which the eggs are laid. There could be an increase in female sea turtles due to hot temperatures. Some green turtle habitats off the Great Barrier Reef have already been producing mostly female offspring, with the possibility of all female offspring in the future, according to a study published in Current Biology.

Light pollution at night around these beaches is one of the biggest issues. Cook says that it can impact the hatchlings. The ocean was the bright spot for the turtle when it came onto the beach. Turtles get confused when you add all of the external light that is brighter than the ocean.

hatchlings don't have a lot of energy to get from the sand to the waves When the bright lights from porches and street lights cause confusion, the turtles use up what little energy they have traveling towards swimming pools, roads or predator. Efforts are being made to switch to turtle-friendly lighting in some beach communities.

There is a theme of all drains leading to the ocean. It's true that all waterways eventually lead to the ocean. The Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico are some of the places where single-use plastic along with pesticides can easily find their way into. Sea turtles can be killed by fishing lines and nets that have been thrown away. Reducing your plastic use is one way you can help the environment. Carrying shopping bags and water bottles is a good idea. Marine animals can be harmed or killed by disposable plastic in the ocean.

The volleyball was found floating off the coast of Alabama. There is evidence that sea turtles bite.

Cook says that turtles can't differentiate between food and debris. They will bite any small object. Keeping beaches and oceans clean is a great way to help sea turtles reach an old age and still feel young.

There is a picture of a bug catcher.