The design of the Books app has been changed in both iPadOS 16 and Apple's mobile device operating system.

There is a toolbar at the top of the app that gives access to the chapter index, but in the bottom of the app there is nothing.

There is a single icon at the bottom of the book interface that can be tapped. It provides a distraction-free reading experience, but it cannot be tapped away.

The buttons on the books app bring up all of the settings. There is an option to see all of your bookmarks and highlights on the top menu bar.

Search does not appear to have been updated. There is a one-tap option for accessing the share sheet.

There are options to change the size and color of the background when you tap on themes and settings. Light gray, a different shade of white, and a light yellow are some of the new colors that can be found in the new version of the operating system.

Light Mode, Dark Mode, and True Tone can be activated by turning on vertical scrolling in this interface.

The option to bold the text is brought up when you tap on options. You can easily access accessibility settings for adjusting line spacing, word spacing, and character spacing. Pages have been changed by Apple.

The changes bring more options to the Books app for the iPad and iPhone, but they still take the same amount of time, despite the fact that they're in a menu.