
The secret to getting better at small talk, according to a veteran TV journalist, is to talk to strangers.

It is rare for SuChin Pak to not know what to say to someone, but she has a secret for making small talk that anyone can use.

The veteran TV journalist has held court with some of the biggest pop culture icons of our time, from Britney Spears to Oprah. Over the last two decades, she has covered everything from celebrity red carpets to presidential elections and international relief efforts.

Always have a few questions in your back pocket that work for everyone, and that's her biggest tip for keeping a conversation going.

What do you want people to get out of what you are doing?

The questions are universal and can apply to anyone, but they can also become personal when people want to discuss their biggest passions and goals.

It is possible to build trust, compatibility and rapport with someone new by going from surface-level small talk to deep conversations.

If she has a brain freeze or there is a lull in the conversation, she relies on these questions. She feels like she doesn't have to think of the most intelligent thing to say because she has them.

It's important to remember that people love to talk.

Check it out.

Veteran TV journalist SuChin pak has the best career advice. Have fun.

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