Image: Microsoft

Microsoft is adding a new Live Share feature to Microsoft Teams, which will allow participants to start co-editing or co-creating during Teams meetings. Live Share will be available through apps that integrate into Microsoft Teams, offering more interactive meetings that go beyond simple screen sharing.

The Live Share feature is currently being used in apps by developers at, Hexagon, Skillsoft, MakeCode, Accenture, Parabol, and Breakthru. Live Share in Microsoft Teams will allow engineers to zoom in, annotations, and edit 3D models in real time during a Teams meeting.

Microsoft Teams Live Share in a Hexagon prototype app.
Image: Microsoft

Whiteboard integration in Microsoft Teams includes similar co-creation and co-editing experiences to Live Share. The Microsoft Teams Live Share is powered by the Fluid Framework. Microsoft has been using the Fluid Framework as part of its loop components integration into Teams and Outlook, which is designed to let developers build more shared and interactive services and apps on the web.

Soon, developers will be able to start creating components. Microsoft says that a developer preview will begin next month and that existing adaptive cards will be able to evolve into loop components.

Microsoft's original vision was to turn these live blocks of content into the future of Office documents and collaboration. We're going to get a better idea of how apps will integrate Loop components in the coming months, thanks to the strong support from developers.