Two river dolphins are playing in the Tijamuchi River. The unusual part? They had a predator in their mouths.

A paper describing a rare encounter in August 2021 was published last month in the journal Ecology.

The research team spotted a group of dolphins and began taking photos. The study states that they only realized the dolphins were carrying the snake when they reviewed their first images.

The researchers said the dolphins were playing with the snake for at least seven minutes, which made it clear they were not trying to eat it.

They observed the adult males swimming in unison while holding onto the anaconda. The dolphins had erect penises, which supported the idea that it was a playful interaction.

The first-ever recorded encounter between a dolphin and an anaconda was between a river dolphin and a snake.

The researchers said there were many unanswered questions and possible explanations for the behavior.

A case of playful interaction between Bolivian River Dolphins with a Beni Anaconda.
A case of playful interaction between Bolivian River Dolphins with a Beni Anaconda.
M Entiauspe Neto, Omar; Reichle, Steffen; Rios, Alejandro dos (2022). Figshare. Media.

Large semi-aquatic snakes, known as bianco anacondas, are generally reaching more than 6 feet long and have no known predator. There is no published record of an animal eating a Beni anaconda.

The researchers said the snake most likely died because it was submerged in water.

The researchers said it was possible the adult male dolphins were teaching the juvenile dolphins that were present about the Beni anaconda, or that the dolphins were engaged in an attempt at courting. In the past, male Amazon river dolphins have been seen carrying objects in an attempt to lure females.

The New York Times reported that a marine mammal scientist at Hunter College said the dolphins may have been sexually stimulated by the anaconda.